A Bamboo Grower is responsible for propagating bamboo saplings in a nursery, transplanting them into the field, and maintaining and harvesting bamboo culms. The individual is also responsible for marketing the harvested bamboos culms
Training Partners736
Industry Partners519
Assessment Partners6
Qualification Pack Developed176
Assessment Completed11,41,876
Trainees Enrolled13,35,093
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A Bamboo Grower is responsible for propagating bamboo saplings in a nursery, transplanting them into the field, and maintaining and harvesting bamboo culms. The individual is also responsible for marketing the harvested bamboos culms
By the end of the training, you’ll be able to:
A Non-Timber Forest Producer harvests different types of Non-Timber Forest Produce (NTFP) and Medicinal and Aromatic Plants (MAPs) from the identified unrestricted areas. The person identifies the relevant NTFP and MAPs and harvests them using suitable harvesting practices while complying with the relevant laws and regulations.
By the end of the training, you’ll be able to:​:
A Forest Nursery Raiser sets up and maintains a forest nursery. The person also transplants the raised plants and perform nursery management along with basic accounting and inventory management.
By the end of the training, you’ll be able to:​:
Lac cultivator should be able to prune the host plants and culture gravid female lac insects on its tender shoots to produce lac using good agricultural practices and undertake basic entrepreneurial activities. Lac cultivation should also ensure both ecosystem and rural development.
By the end of the training, you’ll be able to:​:
The person primarily cultivates commercial timber producing trees intensively or extensively depending upon the availability of land, investment & resources. Timber grower perform activities from farm to market. He/she should be able to cultivate timber producing trees using good agricultural practices (GAP).
By the end of the training, you’ll be able to:​:
Urban Forest Developer surveys the site, estimates the requirement of and make arrangements for collection of the local biomass, prepares site and make design, create and maintains small, urban forest by using local biomass
By the end of the training, you’ll be able to:​: