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Please Note : New Any Training Partner seeking Affiliation or seeking to add Job Role in existing center, the accreditation will be provided as per new version w.e.f. 1st April 2022. The assessment would be done on current version of Qualification Pack (QP) Please Note : New This is to bring to your notice that No Assessment Agency, empaneled by Agriculture Skill Council of India (ASCI) is authorized to issue any certificates/Mark Sheets/Rewards of assessment on the approved Qualification Packs (QPs) of ASCI under the umbrella of National Skills Qualifications Framework (NSQF) Please Note: New Any private training partner seeking affiliation for “Animal Husbandry job roles” irrespective of any scheme must share an NOC or recommendation letter from the appropriate state animal husbandry department to establish a training centre with the SSC, post to which only affiliation will be completed. | Note: Please note Sector Skill Council would entertain Affiliation related communication and meeting only with Permanent employees duly authorised by Directors of the Entity ( Interested in Affiliation) and would not deal / communicate with any Consultant / Liasion agency or any other Third Party. | Note: Freelance trainers who are not affiliated to any Training Provider and meet the pre-requisite trainers qualification criteria can also participate in the Train the Trainers (TOT) Program | New Applications are invited from individual content writers for skilling content for selected job roles in Agri and allied skilling ecosystem

Important : New Any private training partner seeking affiliation for “Animal Husbandry job roles” irrespective of any scheme must share an NOC or recommendation letter from the                                          appropriate state animal husbandry department to establish a training centre with the SSC, post to which only affiliation will be completed. Click Here

Important : New Notice for De-accredited Training Providers

Important : New This is to inform that the job role Animal Health Worker(AGR/Q4804) is no more available for training. Kindly refrain to initiate any batch or training in this job role.

Important : New 1) ASCI is looking for consultants/Agencies to tie-up for international placements. Please connect on for further details.
New 2) ASCI is looking for candidates for USA Placements on the Poultry and Crop Production sector. Interested candidates can share their CVs on

     To access ‘PMKVY 4.0 Job Roles’ skilling content, click here:click here New   

   To access MSDE upgraded Employability Skills,click here New   

State Linkages

Tamil Nadu

  • Trainings with the Tea Board India (STT & RPL) in Tamil Nadu under PMKVY have been instrumental in enhancing the skills of individuals involved in the tea industry. These programs focused on Short term trainings (STT) and Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL), ensuring that workers are equipped with up-to-date knowledge and practices essential for the tea sector.
  • Trainings with the Tamil Nadu Board of Rural Development played a crucial role in empowering rural communities across the state under PMKVY. These programs focused on developing various skills necessary for the socio-economic growth of rural areas, providing opportunities for sustainable livelihoods.
  • Trainings with Tamil Nadu Dr. J. Jayalalithaa Fisheries University (TNJFU) were instrumental in advancing the fisheries sector in Tamil Nadu. These non-PMKVY programs focused on providing specialized education and practical training in various aspects of fisheries and aquaculture.

Andhra Pradesh

  • Trainings with the Spices Board in Kerala Trainings with the Andhra Pradesh State Skill Development Corporation were pivotal in recognizing and validating the skills of individuals across various Agricultural job roles under PMKVY in Andhra Pradesh. Through the Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) program, workers' existing skills were formally acknowledged, leading to certification and improved job prospects. This initiative strengthened the workforce in Andhra Pradesh, aligning their skills with industry standards and fostering economic growth in the region.
  • Trainings at the Centre of Excellence in Kuppam Under Rashtriya Krishi Vikas Yojana (RKVY) trainings were conducted in promoting agricultural innovation and productivity in the region. These programs focused on modern farming techniques, crop management, and sustainable practices, empowering farmers with the knowledge and tools needed to enhance their yields and income.


  • Trainings with the Telangana State Model School under PMKVY, Short Term Training (STT) have created opportunities designed to equip students with practical skills in various job roles of Agri and allied sector.
  • Trainings at the Extension Education Institute in Hyderabad - Under Rashtriya Krishi Vikas Yojana (RKVY) trainings conducted has enhanced the capabilities of trainees in Telangana. These programs focus on advanced agricultural techniques, effective communication methods, and farmer outreach strategies.
  • Trainings at the National Institute of Plant Health Management (NIPHM) in Hyderabad, under RKVY trainings were conducted to provide specialized education in plant health management, pest control, and sustainable agricultural practices to the trainees.


  • Trainings with the Spices Board in Kerala were crucial in enhancing the expertise of those involved in the spice industry. These programs focused on improving the cultivation, processing, and marketing techniques of various spices. By equipping individuals with advanced skills and knowledge, these trainings contributed in enhancing knowledge and income.
  • Trainings with the Tea Board in Kerala contributed in elevating the skills of workers and entrepreneurs in the tea industry. This program has covered various aspects of tea cultivation, processing, and quality control, for producing high-quality tea.


  • Trainings at the State Institute of Rural Development and Panchayati Raj (SIRD&PR) in Karnataka were vital for strengthening rural governance and community development across the state. These programs focused on building the capacities of local government officials, community leaders, and rural development professionals.


ASCI as a PIA implemented the QP aligned short term training of 2140 candidates through our 14 different affiliated Training Partners across the various districts of Maharashtra under the Pramod Mahajan Kaushalya Udyojkta Vikas Abhiyan funded by Maharashtra State skill Development Society.


The Agriculture Skill Council of India (ASCI), in collaboration with the Gujarat Skill Development Mission (GSDM) under the Pradhan Mantri Kaushal Vikas Yojana (PMKVY), is enhancing the skills of Gujarat's agricultural workforce. With 3,164 candidates enrolled under PMKVY 4.0, training is conducted through 8 training partners across 17 centers in 11 districts, focusing on 6 Qualification Packs (QPs). This initiative aims to improve modern farming techniques, sustainable practices, and agribusiness management, ultimately boosting productivity and economic well-being in the state's agriculture sector.


Agriculture and allied activities are a vital part of Assam's economy, contributing around 20% to the state's net domestic product. The sector also provides a livelihood for about 75% of the state's population. ASCI has been in touch with different Government Departments and other institutes for enhancing/upskilling of farmers as well as youth in the state. ASCI has collaborated with SAMETI and trained up 228 BTMs/ATMs . ASCI has also collaborated with Assam Skill Development Mission (ASDM) and NERAMAC to train up farmers under different agril and allied sector. A MoU has been also executed with Assam Agriculture University, Jorhat, Assam to create a trained workforce under agriculture sector. A collaboration has been also done with the Department of Environment and Forest to train up Zoo Animal Keepers of Assam State Zoo. 40 Aquarium Technicians & 20 Hatchery Manager have been certified in collaboration with Fishfed & Mahabahu, Assam. ASCI has also joined hands under APART project to train up 86 Dairy officials. ASCI has been also coordinating with National Livestock Mission, Department of Agriculture, Department of Environment and Forest, Department of Horticulture, Department of Animal Husbandry and Veterinary for enhance skill or upskilling workforce engaged under agriculture and allied sector.


The economy and employment in the state are also heavily depend on agriculture and allied sector. Therefore, ASCI has been touch with Department of Agriculture, Department of Horticulture, Department of Animal Husbandry and Veterinary and Directorate of Dairy Development to create a pool of skilled man force under agriculture and allied sector. ASCI has been also in touch with Meghalaya State Skill Development Society to enhance skill/upskill workforce engaged in agriculture and allied sector. 7 VTCS under AHVD Meghalaya have been affiliated to undertake training programs as per NSQF.