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NAPS (National Apprenticeship Promotion Scheme

National Apprenticeship Promotion Scheme (NAPS) is a scheme of the Government of India under the Apprenticeship Act 1961 & is implemented by the Ministry of Skill Development & Entrepreneurship (MSDE) at the National Level.

Objective of NAPS

  • To promote apprenticeship in the country
  • To provide financial support to establishments to undertake apprenticeship programs.

What is an Apprenticeship Training?

Apprenticeship training is a course of training in industry or establishment, under a contract of apprenticeship which consists of:

  • Basic Training component
  • On-the-Job Training (OJT)/practical training at the workplace.

Is Apprenticeship mandated under the Act?

Yes, it is mandated for industries to undertake Apprenticeships under the Apprentices Act, 1961. All establishments having a workforce (regular and contract employees) of 30 or more are mandated to undertake Apprenticeship Programs in a range from 2.5% to 15% of its workforce (including direct contractual employees) every year. However, it is optional for establishments having a workforce between 4-29 and establishments having a workforce of 3 or less are not permitted to engage apprentices.

Eligibility to be an Apprentice

  • Individual who has completed 14 years of age (18 years in case of Hazardous industries defined under the Apprenticeship Rules).
  • Individual must be minimum 5th class pass (for Optional Trade).
  • Must meet the minimum standard of physical fitness for the course.
  • Minimum educational qualification prescribed for a trade can undergo apprenticeship training.

Benefits for the Apprentices

  • Provides an opportunity to put skills into practice to gain confidence in a working environment.
  • Provides a pathway to full-time employment, i.e., provides an opportunity for the transition from training to employment due to industrial exposure.
  • Provides ‘earn while learn’ opportunity to the apprentices.
  • Provides the scope of career progression when employed within the organization.
  • Career recognition through Government recognized certification.

Benefits for the Employers

  • It serves as the talent recognition tool through which the organization can recognize the talent based on the performance delivered.
  • Provides a way to gainfully engage manpower at a reduced cost.
  • Helps capitalize on reduced learning time when the apprentice is offered a permanent job in the organization.
  • Develop the talent pipeline for future needs by tackling skill shortages.
  • Employers have the opportunity to use the training facilities available within the establishment thereby minimizing training cost impact.

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